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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeSesbania drummondiiRattlebox, Poisonbean, Siene BeanDisturbed areas, spoil, marsh edges, ditches.Native on the Gulf Coast west to s. TX and Mexico (TAM), the exact eastern edge of the native range uncertain, perhaps w. FL Panhandle. First reported for GA and SC by Townsend et al. (2000), where clearly introduced.image of plant
FabaceaeSesbania grandifloraVegetable-hummingbird, Agati, Flamingo-billDisturbed areas.Probably native of tropical Asia.image of plant
FabaceaeSesbania herbaceaSesban, Coffee-weed, Indigo-weed, Peatree, BequillaDitches, wet fields, disturbed moist and wet areas, perhaps native only in the deeper South.Native distribution uncertain, perhaps e. NC south to s. FL, west on the Coastal Plain and Mississippi Embayment to TX, south into Mexico, but expanding its distribution northwards.image of plant
FabaceaeSesbania puniceaRattlebox, Scarlet Wisteria-tree, Red SesbanDitches, wet fields, marshes, ponded wetlands, wet pinelands.Native of South America.image of plant
FabaceaeSesbania sericeaSilky SesbanWet, disturbed areas.Native of s. Asia.image of plant
FabaceaeSesbania vesicariaBladderpod, BagpodDitches, marshes, disturbed wet areas.The original native distribution of S. vesicaria is uncertain; its distribution is from ne. NC south to s. FL, west to e. OK and se. TX, and Isely (1998) states that it is unknown from outside the United States; occurrences in provinces inland of the Coastal Plain seem to represent introductions into artificial wetlands (such as ditches).image of plant
FabaceaeSesbania virgataWand River-hempDisturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant