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6 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApiaceaeThaspium barbinodeHairy-joint Meadow-parsnipMoist forests.NY and ON west to IN, south to c. GA and c. AL.image of plant
ApiaceaeThaspium chapmaniiCalcareous bluffs, dry to mesic forests and woodlands, especially over calcareous substrates, open disturbed sites.Sw. PA, s. ON, s. MI, sw. WI, and s. MN south to Panhandle FL (Jackson County) and e. TX (Houston County).image of plant
ApiaceaeThaspium pinnatifidumForests and woodlands over calcareous rock, such as limestone, dolostone, or calcareous siltstone).W. NC, e. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and nw. GA. The report from VA is of unknown documentation; previous reports from nw. KY represent Thaspium species 1. The distribution and rarity of this plant is also obscured by confusion with T. chapmanii.image of plant
ApiaceaeThaspium species 1Calcareous woodlands and forests.Endemic to KY.
ApiaceaeThaspium trifoliatum var. aureumMoist forests.NY west to MN, south to SC, AL, AR, and se. KS.image of plant
ApiaceaeThaspium trifoliatum var. trifoliatumPurple Meadow-parsnipMoist forests.NJ, PA, and MO, south to Panhandle FL and LA.image of plant