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4 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
WoodsiaceaeWoodsia appalachianaAppalachian Woodsia, Appalachian Cliff Fern, Mountain WoodsiaOn cliffs of sandstone, shale, granite, granitic gneiss, and hornblende gneiss.Endemic to the Southern and Central Appalachians of VA, WV, NC, nw. GA, TN, and the Ozarks of AR (Peck 2011).image of plant
WoodsiaceaeWoodsia ilvensisRusty Woodsia, Rusty Cliff FernCliffs of amphibolite, greenstone, other rocks.Circumboreal, ranging in North America from NL (Newfoundland) and AK south to VA, nw. NC, OH, n. IL, nw. IA, SK, and BC.image of plant
WoodsiaceaeWoodsia obtusa ssp. obtusaCommon Woodsia, Blunt-lobed Cliff FernRock outcrops of various sorts, moist talus, terrestrial near rock outcrops.ME, QC, MN, and e. NE, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant
WoodsiaceaeWoodsia obtusa ssp. occidentalisOzark Woodsia, Ozark Cliff FernRock outcrops of various sorts, moist talus, terrestrial near rock outcrops.MO and KS south through AR and OK to e. and c. TX.image of plant

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