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137 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeAbrusPrecatory Beanimage of plant
FabaceaeAcaciaWattle, Acaciaimage of plant
FabaceaeAcaciellaAcaciaimage of plant
FabaceaeAcmisponAmerican Bird’s-foot-trefoil, Prairie-trefoilimage of plant
FabaceaeAdenantheraBeadtreeimage of plant
FabaceaeAeschynomeneJointvetchimage of plant
FabaceaeAlbiziaSilktreeimage of plant
FabaceaeAlysicarpusAlyce Cloverimage of plant
FabaceaeAmorphaIndigo-bush, Leadplantimage of plant
FabaceaeAmphicarpaeaHog-peanutimage of plant
FabaceaeAnthyllisKidney-vetch, Woundwortimage of plant
FabaceaeApiosGroundnutimage of plant
FabaceaeArachisPeanutimage of plant
FabaceaeAstragalusMilkvetch, Locoweedimage of plant
FabaceaeBaptisiaWild Indigoimage of plant
FabaceaeBauhiniaOrchid-treeimage of plant
FabaceaeBituminariaArabian-peaimage of plant
FabaceaeCaesalpiniaimage of plant
FabaceaeCajanusPigeonpeaimage of plant
FabaceaeCalleryaimage of plant
FabaceaeCalliandraimage of plant
FabaceaeCanavaliaimage of plant
FabaceaeCaraganaimage of plant
FabaceaeCassiaCassiaimage of plant
FabaceaeCentrosemaSpurred Butterfly Peaimage of plant
FabaceaeCercisRedbudimage of plant
FabaceaeChamaecristaPartridge-peaimage of plant
FabaceaeChapmanniaAliciaimage of plant
FabaceaeCicerChick Pea, Garbanzoimage of plant
FabaceaeCladrastisYellow-woodimage of plant
FabaceaeClitoriaButterfly Pea, Pigeonwingsimage of plant
FabaceaeCochliasanthusSnailflower, Snail Beanimage of plant
FabaceaeColuteaimage of plant
FabaceaeCrotalariaRattleboximage of plant
FabaceaeCtenodonimage of plant
FabaceaeCullenimage of plant
FabaceaeCytisusBroomimage of plant
FabaceaeDalbergiaIndian Rosewoodimage of plant
FabaceaeDaleaPrairie-cloverimage of plant
FabaceaeDelonixPoincianaimage of plant
FabaceaeDenisophytumA genus of about 8-9 species, of Africa, South America, and the West Indies (including Florida) (Gagnon et al. 2016).image of plant
FabaceaeDermatophyllumimage of plant
FabaceaeDesmanthusBundleflowerimage of plant
FabaceaeDesmodiumTick-trefoil, Tick-clover, Beggar's-ticks, Stick-tightsimage of plant
FabaceaeDichrostachysSickle Bushimage of plant
FabaceaeEbenopsisimage of plant
FabaceaeEnterolobiumimage of plant
FabaceaeErythrinaCoral Beanimage of plant
FabaceaeErythrostemonimage of plant
FabaceaeEysenhardtiaimage of plant
FabaceaeGalactiaMilkpeaimage of plant
FabaceaeGalegaGoat's-rueimage of plant
FabaceaeGenistaDyer's Greenweedimage of plant
FabaceaeGleditsiaHoney Locust, Water Locustimage of plant
FabaceaeGliricidiaMadre de Cacao
FabaceaeGlycineSoybean, Soyaimage of plant
FabaceaeGlycyrrhizaLicoriceimage of plant
FabaceaeGronaimage of plant
FabaceaeGuilandinaNickerimage of plant
FabaceaeGymnocladusKentucky Coffee-treeimage of plant
FabaceaeHavardiaimage of plant
FabaceaeHippocrepisimage of plant
FabaceaeHoffmannseggiaimage of plant
FabaceaeHylodesmumForest Tick-trefoilimage of plant
FabaceaeIndigoferaIndigoimage of plant
FabaceaeKummerowiaKorean-clover, Japanese-cloverimage of plant
FabaceaeLablabHyacinth-beanimage of plant
FabaceaeLackeyaimage of plant
FabaceaeLadeaniaScurfpeaimage of plant
FabaceaeLathyrusWild-pea, Vetchlingimage of plant
FabaceaeLensLentilimage of plant
FabaceaeLeptospronimage of plant
FabaceaeLespedezaLespedezaimage of plant
FabaceaeLeucaenaLeadtree, Leucaenaimage of plant
FabaceaeLotusBirdsfoot-trefoilimage of plant
FabaceaeLupinusLupineimage of plant
FabaceaeLysilomaimage of plant
FabaceaeMaackiaMaackiaimage of plant
FabaceaeMacroptiliumimage of plant
FabaceaeMedicagoMedick, Bur-cloverimage of plant
FabaceaeMelilotusMelilot, Sweetclover, Sourcloverimage of plant
FabaceaeMillettiaimage of plant
FabaceaeMimosaMimosaimage of plant
FabaceaeMucunaVelvetbeanimage of plant
FabaceaeNeltumaMesquiteimage of plant
FabaceaeNeonotoniaPerennial Soybeanimage of plant
FabaceaeNeptuniaNeptuniaimage of plant
FabaceaeOnobrychisimage of plant
FabaceaeOnonisRest-harrowimage of plant
FabaceaeOrbexilumScurfpea, Sampson's-snakeroot, Leather-rootimage of plant
FabaceaeOrnithopusimage of plant
FabaceaeOxytropisLocoweed, Oxytropeimage of plant
FabaceaeParkinsoniaPaloverde, Jerusalem Thornimage of plant
FabaceaePediomelumBuckroot, Prairie-turnipimage of plant
FabaceaePeltophorumimage of plant
FabaceaePhaneraAsian-plumeimage of plant
FabaceaePhaseolusBeanimage of plant
FabaceaePiscidiaFishpoison Treeimage of plant
FabaceaePisumPeaimage of plant
FabaceaePithecellobiumimage of plant
FabaceaePomariaimage of plant
FabaceaePsophocarpusimage of plant
FabaceaePuerariaKudzuimage of plant
FabaceaeRhynchosiaSnoutbeanimage of plant
FabaceaeRobiniaLocustimage of plant
FabaceaeScorpiurusScorpion’s-tailimage of plant
FabaceaeSecurigeraCrown-vetchimage of plant
FabaceaeSenegaliaAcacia, Catclawimage of plant
FabaceaeSennaSenna, Sicklepod, Wild Coffeeimage of plant
FabaceaeSesbaniaRattlebox, Sesbanimage of plant
FabaceaeSpartiumSpanish Broomimage of plant
FabaceaeStrombocarpaScrewbeanimage of plant
FabaceaeStrophostylesSand Bean, Woolly Bean, Wild Bean, Fuzzy Beanimage of plant
FabaceaeStylosanthesPencil-flowerimage of plant
FabaceaeStyphnolobiumPagoda Treeimage of plant
FabaceaeTamarindusTamarindimage of plant
FabaceaeTaraimage of plant
FabaceaeTephrosiaGoat's-rueimage of plant
FabaceaeThermopsisGolden-bannerimage of plant
FabaceaeTrifoliumCloverimage of plant
FabaceaeTrigonellaFenugreekimage of plant
FabaceaeUlexGorseimage of plant
FabaceaeVachelliaAcaciaimage of plant
FabaceaeViciaVetch, Tareimage of plant
FabaceaeVignaCowpeaimage of plant
FabaceaeWisteriaWisteriaimage of plant
FabaceaeZorniaZorniaimage of plant