3 results for dichanthelium acuminatum. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeDichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatumWoolly WitchgrassDryish sandy or clayey soils of open woods and disturbed areas.MA south to FL, west to TX; West Indies, Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.image of plant
PoaceaeDichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatumSlender-stemmed WitchgrassOpen or cut-over woods, thickets, fields, meadows, and shores, frequently on disturbed soils.NL (Newfoundland) south to FL, west to CA, north to s. BC.image of plant
PoaceaeDichanthelium acuminatum var. lindheimeriLindheimer's WitchgrassOpen or cut-over woods, thickets, fields, meadows, and shores, often on wet soils.NS west to MB, south to FL and MO, west to s. CA.image of plant