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Key to Asarum

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1 Calyx lobes 5-10 (-12) mm long, strongly reflexed, often more-or-less appressed back against the calyx tube (but spreading or ascending as the fruit starts to develop), acute or acuminate, the tubular tips 0-4 mm long
1 Calyx lobes 10-35 mm long, spreading to ascending from the base, acuminate to caudate, the tubular tips 4-20 mm long.
  2 Calyx tube 10-20 mm long; calyx lobes long-caudate, 15-35 mm long, initially erect to ascending, spreading at full anthesis (but with tips curving forward), and ascending/erect after fertilization
  2 Calyx tube 4-10 mm long; calyx lobes acuminate to short-caudate, 10-25 mm long, spreading