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Key to Zornia

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1 Leaves with 4 leaflets; floral bracts ovate to elliptic, 3.5-7.1 mm wide; loment with retrorsely barbed bristles but otherwise glabrous; loments with 2-4 segments; loment segments lunulate, 3.4-4.2 mm long
1 Leaves with 2 leaflets; floral bracts lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 1.3-1.7 mm wide; loment with retrorsely barbed bristles and hirtellous; loments with (3-) 4-6 (-7) segments; loment segments ± square, 1.9-2.1 mm long.
  2 Surface of the fruit articles densely setose, not reticulate; flora bracts only partly hiding the flowers
  2 Surface of the fruit articles conspicuously reticulate; floral bracts 8-12 mm long, mainly hiding the flowers

Key to Fabaceae, Key E: herbaceous legumes with palmate leaves with 4 or more leaflets [subfamily Faboideae]

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1 Leaflets 4; corolla yellow; [tribe Dalbergieae]
1 Leaflets 5 or more (at least on the largest and best developed leaves); corolla blue, pink, or violet (except yellow in Lupinus luteus).
  2 Leaflets and fruits not glandular-punctate; stamens monadelphous; [tribe Genisteae]
  2 Leaflets and fruits glandular-punctate; stamens diadelphous; [tribe Psoraleeae].
    3 Leaflets linear to very narrowly oblanceolate, 0.5-2.0 (-3.5) mm wide, > 10× as long as wide; [Coastal Plain]
    3 Leaflets broader, > 5 mm wide, 2-4.5× as long as wide; [collectively more widespread]