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Key to Photinia

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1 Leaves deciduous, herbaceous, 4-9 cm long; inflorescences 3-6 cm wide, pedicels with warty lenticels; [cultivated waif, sometimes naturalizing in suburban areas; VA northward]
1 Leaves evergreen, coriaceous; inflorescences 4-18 cm wide; pedicels without lenticels; [waif and naturalized; VA southward].
  2 Leaf blades 5-9 cm long; margins crenate-serrulate; inflorescences 4-10 cm in diameter; [scattered waif in VA, FL, LA, and TX]
  2 Leaf blades (6-) 9-20 cm long; margins sharply serrate to inconspicuously toothed or entire (teeth serrate, not rounded, when present); inflorescences 10-18 cm in diameter; [naturalized VA w. to TX and AR]