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Key to Nemophila

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1 Stem leaves opposite; [exotics from w. North America].
  2 Seeds smooth or shallowly pitted; corolla with a purple spot at each lobe tip
  2 Seeds wrinkled and tubercled; corolla whitish near the petal base, grading to pale to medium blue in the upper portion (without a purple spot at each lobe tip)
1 Stem leaves alternate; [natives in our area].
    3 Flowers all solitary; corolla to 5 mm across, white; leaves with 3-5 divisions; [e. OK and e. TX eastward].
    3 Flowers solitary in axils or in a terminal cyme; corolla 10-30 mm across, blue or purplish; leaves with 7-11 divisions; [AR, w. LA, OK, and TX].
      4 Corolla pale to medium bluish violet to blue; vestiture of the stems hirsute, with trichomes irregularly oriented and mostly < 2 mm long; [widespread in AR, e. OK, e. TX, and (?) LA]
      4 Corolla violet to deep purplish; vestiture of the stems densely hirsute, with trichomes retrorse and many > 2 mm long; [endemic in deep sands in e. TX]
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