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9 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SolanaceaeNicotiana ×sanderaeCultivated, rarely persistent or weakly spreading.
SolanaceaeNicotiana alataJasmine TobaccoCultivated in gardens, rarely persistent.Native of South America. See Jones & Coile (1988) for alleged GA occurrence.image of plant
SolanaceaeNicotiana glaucaTree Tobacco, Mustard Tree, Rape, Buena Moza, Gigante, Tabaco MoroAlong streams, roadsides, disturbed areas (TX); eastwards only as a waif or persistent or spreading from use in horticulture.Native of South America (Argentina and Bolivia). Apparently present at Fort Pulaski National Monument, Chatham County, GA (Jones & Coile 1988; W. Duncan pers.comm. 2004).image of plant
SolanaceaeNicotiana longifloraLong-flower TobaccoDisturbed areas. Cultivated and may be found as a waif or persistent.Native of South America.image of plant
SolanaceaeNicotiana obtusifoliaDesert Tobacco, TabaquilloDry rocky or sandy slopes; eastwards as a ballast waif.C. OK, NM, sw. UT, CA south through c., s., and w. TX, NM,and AZ to Mexico.
SolanaceaeNicotiana plumbaginifoliaTex-Mex TobaccoDisturbed uplands, especially over limestone.Native of s. TX, Mexico southwards, and West Indies.image of plant
SolanaceaeNicotiana repandaFiddleleaf TobaccoDisturbed areas, moist areas along streams.Native to TX, Mexico (CHH, COA, GTO, QRO, NLE, SLP, TAM, VER), and West Indies.image of plant
SolanaceaeNicotiana rusticaIndian Tobacco, Wild Tobacco, Aztec TobaccoFormerly commonly cultivated by native Americans in all parts of our area, persistent following cultivation, now apparently extinct in our area.Originally native of Bolivia and Peru. This was the tobacco cultivated by American Indians at the time of contact by Europeans, and was the first tobacco taken to Europe and cultivated there.image of plant
SolanaceaeNicotiana tabacumCultivated TobaccoPersistent after cultivation; commonly cultivated, rarely naturalized.Native of tropical America. This is the tobacco currently cultivated in our area for the manufacture of cigarettes, cigars, and other smoking and chewing tobacco products. It replaced Nicotiana rustica as the main cultivated tobacco in the mid-Atlantic colonies in the early 1600s.image of plant

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