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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeWisteria ×formosaHybrid Asian WisteriaCultivated, escaped to urban, suburban, and rural forests and woodlands, commonly cultivated and escaped; a cross of species native to China and Japan.Trusty et al. (2007, 2008) revealed that much of the invasive Wisteria in southeastern United States involves complex hybrids and backcrosses involving W. floribunda and W. sinensis.image of plant
FabaceaeWisteria floribundaJapanese WisteriaCommonly cultivated, escaped to urban, suburban, and rural forests and woodlands.Native of Japan.image of plant
FabaceaeWisteria frutescens var. frutescensAtlantic Wisteria, American Wisteria, Swamp WisteriaSwamp forests, wet thickets.E. VA south to n. peninsular FL, west to TX, north in the interior to AR.image of plant
FabaceaeWisteria frutescens var. macrostachyaMississippi Wisteria, American Wisteria, Swamp WisteriaSwamp forests, wet thickets.S. IN and s. MO south to LA, eastwards to w. VA and w. NC.image of plant
FabaceaeWisteria sinensisChinese WisteriaCommonly cultivated, escaped to a wide diversity of urban, suburban, and rural forests and woodlands.Native of China.image of plant

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