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Key to Carex, [26n] Section 10 Deweyanae: section Deweyanae

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1 Perigynia 2.3-3.9 (-4.2)× as long as wide, 0-5 (7)-veined abaxially (the veins extending unbroken from the perigynium base to the base of the perigynium beak); achenes 1.2-1.8× as long as wide; widest leaf blade (2.2-) 2.4-5.9 mm wide; [of uplands, south to n. NJ, n. PA, n. OH, n. IL]
1 Perigynia (3.3-) 4.1-6.7× as long as wide, (3-) 4-8-veined abaxially (the veins extending unbroken from the perigynium base to the base of the perigynium beak); achenes 1.9-2.9 × as long as wide; widest leaf blade 1.3-4.4 mm wide; [of wetlands, collectively widespread].
  2 Widest leaf (1.3-) 1.5-2.9 (-3.1) mm wide; culms (0.5-) 0.6-1.0 (-1.1) mm thick at mid-height; plant densely to loosely cespitose, the rhizome internodes 0.2-20 mm long; [of swamp forests and other wetlands, widespread in our area]
  2 Widest leaf 2.8-4.4 mm wide; culms 1.0-1.6 mm thick at mid-height; plants densely cespitose, the rhizome internodes 0.2-1.0 (-8.5) mm long; [of seeps and bogs in the Blue Ridge and Blue Ridge Escarpment region of sw. VA, w. NC, e. TN, and nw. SC]
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