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3 Inflorescence corymbiform, few-flowered; berries not sticky, black or red (rarely purplish or yellow), with a glaucous bloom. | |
4 Fruit black (rarely yellow); pedicels with stout curved prickles; stems (at least the primocanes) strongly white-glaucous | |
4 Fruit red (rarely purple or yellow); pedicels with narrow straight bristles and sometimes also glandular hairs; stems green. | |
5 Leaves densely white-tomentose beneath; inflorescences with (1-) 3-7 (-20) flowers. | |
6 Inflorescence without glandular hairs or gland-tipped bristles; [exotic, cultivated, sometimes escaped or persistent] | |
6 Inflorescence with glandular hairs and gland-tipped bristles; [native, Mountains of NC and VA northwards] |