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Key to Geranium
1 Perennial, from a stout rhizome; [subgenus Geranium]. | |
2 Cymules 1-flowered (rarely a few cymules 2-flowered); pedicels with eglandular hairs only. | |
2 Cymules 2-flowered; pedicels with a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs (except with eglandular hairs only in G. maculatum). | |
4 Pedicels with eglandular hairs only; petals 11-16 mm long; [native, common in much of our area (and also sometimes cultivated)] | |
4 Pedicels with a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs; petals either 6-9 or 12-29 mm long; [exotic, rare and in disturbed situations]. | |
1 Annual, from a taproot. | |
7 Leaves compound, at least the terminal segment (and often also the two lateral segments) petiolulate, not connected to the lateral segments by leaf tissue; petals 9-14 mm long; [rare in our area, mainly northward]; [subgenus Robertium, section Ruberta] | |
9 Mericarps appressed pubescent across the surface, not ridged; stem pubescence of short (< 0.3 mm long), gland-tipped and eglandular hairs; stamens partly sterile (the inner 5 fertile, the outer 5 lacking anthers) | |
9 Mericarps glabrous across the surface (slightly to densely ciliate at the base), either reticulately ridged or not; stem pubescence an admixture of long eglandular hairs (1.0-1.7 mm long) and short (< 0.5 mm long) gland-tipped and eglandular hairs; stamens (all 10) fertile (note that anthers may fall readily). | |
11 Mature pedicels < 1.5× as long as the calyx. | |
12 Mericarps with spreading hairs about 0.5 mm long, these often gland-tipped; [subgenus Geranium, section Dissecta] | |
11 Mature pedicels > 2× as long as the calyx; [subgenus Geranium, section Geranium]. | |