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No key was found for the requested taxon, but it has only one child: Ipheion uniflorum. Showing where it is keyed below.

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Key to Alliaceae

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1 Inflorescence a solitary flower; flowers blue, lavender, or white; fresh plant with an onion odor; [tribe Gillesieae]
1 Inflorescence an umbel; flowers white, greenish white, cream, pink, or magenta-purple; fresh plant with or without an onion odor.
..2 Tepals 2-9 mm long; ovary 3-celled, each with 1-2 ovules; fresh plant with an onion odor; anthers < 1.5 mm long; [tribe Allieae]
..2 Tepals 10-15 mm long; ovary 3-celled, each with 6-10 ovules; fresh plant usually without an onion odor; anthers ca. 2 mm long; [tribe Gillesieae]
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