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Key to Manfreda

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1 Perianth lobes erect, 4-8 mm long; [collectively widespread].
  2 Leaves 3-6× as long as wide, 4-10 per plant, 12-18 cm long, (2-) 3-8 (-10) cm wide; anthers 13-17 (-20) mm long; perianth (including the ovary) 26-35 mm long; perianth lobes 2.5-3 mm wide at the base; [clay soils in prairies and open woodlands, nc. TX and s. OK]
  2 Leaves 7-15× as long as wide, ca. 10 per plant, (12-) 15-30 cm long, 1-4.5 cm wide; anthers 8-10 mm long; perianth (including the ovary) 20-23 mm long; perianth lobes ca. 1.5 mm wide at the base; [widespread in our region, and in a wide range of habitats and soil types]
1 Perianth lobes spreading or recurved, 7-21 mm long; [s. TX].
    3 Filaments and style included in, or exserted from the perianth tube by 5-22 mm; fresh flowers white, pale yellow, or pink, with a sweet odor.
      4 Filaments shorter than the perianth; perianth tube 23--36 mm long; leaf margins coarsely toothed
      4 Filaments longer than the perianth, exserted by 5-22 mm; perianth tube 6-26 mm long; leaf margins minutely toothed
    3 Filaments and style exserted from the perianth tube by 4.0-9.7 cm; fresh flowers green or brownish, with a cooked onion odor
        5 Leaves spreading, blade broadly lanceolate; flowers erect, almost appressed to the inflorescence axis
        5 Leaves erect or arching, blade linear-lanceolate; flowers spreading from the inflorescence axis