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Key to Clematis, Key C: Clematis viorna complex

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1 Plants decumbent along the ground as a subshrub only becoming scandent from axillary buds later in the growing season; flowers terminal and ebracteate; early spring flowering
1 Plants erect and vining; flowers solitary or cymose-paniculate within leaf axils; flowers always subtended by foliose bracts; flowering late spring to mid summer.
  2 Inflorescence long-arcuate; inflorescence of a solitary flower borne in the leaf axil; foliose bracts positioned 1/4 to 1/2 the way up the peduncle from its base; sepals bicolored, the sepal exterior red, the interior white; sepal apices short-reflexed, the sepal body broadly ovoid.
    3 Leaves thick, pseudo-reticulate, the leaf veins pronounced but not raised; peduncles and sepal exterior surfaces pubescent; sepal exterior magenta pink, the interior white; [acid substrates in lower Piedmont of GA, SC, and NC]
    3 Leaves thin, membranous, the leaf veins obscure; peduncles and sepals glabrous or puberulent; sepal exterior cherry red, the interior cream; [calcareous and mafic substrates, widespread in our region]
  2 Inflorescence short-pendulous; inflorescence cymose-paniculate (3-7-flowered); foliose bracts positioned at the base of the peduncle; sepals solidly colored, the sepal exterior dusky purple, the interior the same color; sepal apices long-reflexed, the sepal body cylindrical/conic.
      4 Leaves glaucescent; sepals glabrous; [shale bluffs of Coosa River tributaries]
      4 Leaves glabrous and green; sepals densely sericeous; [woodland edges of calcareous flatwoods and river bluffs of the Coosa, Flint, and Savannah River drainages]