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Key to Annonaceae
2 Carpels >15, in fruit fused into an syncarpous aggregate fruit with each carpel a visible segment; leaves < 4× as long as wide, ovate, broadest below the middle; [peninsular FL only] | |
2 Carpels 1-8 (-12), free, each fruit (derived from a single free carpel) therefore simple and unsegmented; leaves elongate, > 2× as long as wide, linear, oblanceolate, or obovate, broadest near the middle or towards the apex; [collectively widespread] | |
3 Receptacle flat; petals of 2 similar series; outer petal series lacking a saccate base; peduncle lacking bracts; mature (flowering) plants to 2 dm tall; [peninsular FL (Charlotte, Lee, Orange, Volusia counties)] |