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Key to Commelinaceae
1 Spathes absent; inflorescence open and repeatedly branched; [tribe Tradescantieae] | |
1 Spathes present, single or paired; inflorescence compact, unbranched. | |
2 Spathes single (or paired in Callisia), either terminal or axillary, differing from the foliage leaves (in Commelina folded, heart-shaped when spread, and usually pale-green, in Cuthbertia and Murdannia scale-like, scarious, and inconspicuous, sometimes hidden by foliage leaves in Murdannia). | |
3 Spathe scale-like, scarious, and inconspicuous, not closely subtending and surrounding the flower pedicels; petals equal, in both size and coloration. | |
5 Leaves linear, > 20× as long as wide; petals bright pink (rarely white); [tribe Tradescantieae] | |
5 Leaves lanceolate, < 20× as long as wide; petals white, pink, purplish, or bluish. | |
6 Fertile stamens 3, alternating with 3 staminodia; petals pink to purplish or bluish; [tribe Commelineae] | |