Intro: Erect or ascending perennial of dry openings and woodlands, especially in thin soil around rock outcrops, streambanks, riverbanks and mesic forests.
Stems: Stems simple or forking, slender, succulent, usually hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, widely spreading, sessile with the base of the leaf enclosing the stem in a small sheath fringed with white hairs, 4-6 in. long and smooth,.
Flowers: Flowers single or in small clusters, 3/4-1 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 2 round blue (rarely white) petals with one very small white petal in the middle, 3 purple and 3 yellow stamens (one of the latter with a notably larger, butterfly-shaped anther), and a pistil with a slender style; below the flower is a folded, leafy bract 1-1½ inches long. Flowers open in morning and wither by afternoon.
Fruits: Fruit a small 3-celled capsule.
Comments: Similar to Common Dayflower (Commelina communis), an Old World species with sprawling stems that form mats by rooting at the leaf nodes and is found in moist disturbed areas.
Height: up to 2 ft.
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description: Erect or ascending perennial of dry openings and woodlands, especially in thin soil around rock outcrops, streambanks, riverbanks and mesic forests.
stems: Stems simple or forking, slender, succulent, usually hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, widely spreading, sessile with the base of the leaf enclosing the stem in a small sheath fringed with white hairs, 4-6 in. long and smooth,.
flowers: Flowers single or in small clusters, 3/4-1 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 2 round blue (rarely white) petals with one very small white petal in the middle, 3 purple and 3 yellow stamens (one of the latter with a notably larger, butterfly-shaped anther), and a pistil with a slender style; below the flower is a folded, leafy bract 1-1½ inches long. Flowers open in morning and wither by afternoon.
fruits: Fruit a small 3-celled capsule.
comments: Similar to Common Dayflower (Commelina communis), an Old World species with sprawling stems that form mats by rooting at the leaf nodes and is found in moist disturbed areas.
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