Juncus effusus Linnaeus ssp. solutus (Fernald & Wiegand) Hämet-Ahti. Subgenus: Agathryon. Section: Juncotypus. Common Rush, Soft Rush. Phen: Jun-Sep. Hab: Moist soil, marshes, margin of streams, ponds, lakes and swamps, low meadows. Dist: NL (Newfoundland) to MN, south to s. FL and Mexico.
ID notes: Of section Genuini (species with lateral inflorescence), this species is easily the most common. Distinguished by the easily compressible stems (giving the common name “Soft Rush”, and very different than the tough, wiry culms of another common and widespread species, Juncus coriaceus), fine stem ridges that are not pronounced, and tepals that +/- equal the tepals.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Taxonomy Comments: Ssp. effusus is European, and also occurs (apparently introduced) in the ne. United States.
Synonymy ⓘ: = AqW, K3, K4, Mo1, NE, NY, Tn, WH3, Hämet-Ahti (1980), Kirschner (2002b), Kirschner (2002c), Zika (2003), Zika (2013); = Agathryon effusum (L.) Záv.Drábk. & Proćków ssp. solutum (Fernald & Wiegand) Záv.Drábk. & Proćków – Proćków & Záveská Drábková (2023); = Juncus effusus L. var. solutus Fernald & Wiegand – C, Il, NcTx, Pa, Tx; > Juncus conglomeratus L., misapplied; < Juncus effusus L. – Ar, ETx1, FNA22, GrPl, GW1, Meso6, Mi, RAB, S, Va, W; > Juncus effusus L. var. compactus – G, misapplied; > Juncus effusus L. var. conglomeratus (L.) Engelm. – K1, misapplied; > Juncus effusus L. var. solutus Fernald & Wiegand – F, K1, Tat; >< Juncus effusus L. var. solutus Fernald & Wiegand – G; > Juncus griscomi – F; > Juncus griscomii Fernald – G
Links to other floras: < Juncus effusus - FNA22
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Wetland Indicator Status:
- Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: OBL (name change)
- Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FACW (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
- Great Plains: OBL (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
- Midwest: OBL (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
- Northcentral & Northeast: OBL (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
Heliophily ⓘ: 7