Rhynchospora grayi Kunth. Gray's Beaksedge. Phen: Jun-Sep. Hab: Longleaf pine sandhills and other dry, sandy sites, pine rocklands. Dist: Se. VA south to s. FL, west to e. TX.
ID notes: Rhynchospora grayi is one of few beaksedges to occupy dry and xeric uplands -- this alone is a helpful ID clue. It resembles R. harveyi, which occurs in mesic Longleaf Pine uplands, but R. grayi has longer achenes (2.5-3 mm long vs. 2-2.5 mm) and is a larger plant with thicker stems. Particularly robust individuals can be mistaken for R. megalocarpa, bet see achene and leaf width characteristics in the key.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Synonymy: = C, ETx1, F, FNA23, G, K1, K3, K4, RAB, Tx, Va, WH3, Gale (1944), McMillan (2007); = Rynchospora grayi – S, S13
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 8
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