Intro: Erect perennial of rocky woodlands, granite outcrops, Altamaha Grit outcrops, blackland prairies, and moist sandy woodlands associated with longleaf pine.
Stems: Stems mostly unbranched, with sometimes reddish base, hairy.
Leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on stem, petiolate, roundish in outline, to 4 in. long, divided into many hairy, linear segments.
Flowers: Flowers in a terminal raceme above leaves, blue-violet (sometimes white), about 3/4 in. wide, tubular and bilaterally symmetric, with 5 curving-spreading petal-like sepals and a 1-in. spur extending behind and upward; 4 less showy, united petals in the center cover stamens and carpel, and the lowest ones are bearded.
Fruits: Fruit a 3-celled, cylindrical follicle, about 1/2 in. long.
Comments: Subspecies calciphilum occurs in limestone cedar glades and prairies; its flower are pale blue to white.
Height: 1-5 ft.
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description: Erect perennial of rocky woodlands, granite outcrops, Altamaha Grit outcrops, blackland prairies, and moist sandy woodlands associated with longleaf pine.
stems: Stems mostly unbranched, with sometimes reddish base, hairy.
leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on stem, petiolate, roundish in outline, to 4 in. long, divided into many hairy, linear segments.
flowers: Flowers in a terminal raceme above leaves, blue-violet (sometimes white), about 3/4 in. wide, tubular and bilaterally symmetric, with 5 curving-spreading petal-like sepals and a 1-in. spur extending behind and upward; 4 less showy, united petals in the center cover stamens and carpel, and the lowest ones are bearded.
fruits: Fruit a 3-celled, cylindrical follicle, about 1/2 in. long.
comments: Subspecies calciphilum occurs in limestone cedar glades and prairies; its flower are pale blue to white.
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