Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) A.P. de Candolle var. epetiolatum B.G. Schubert. Phen: Jun-Sep; Aug-Oct. Hab: Pine savannas and pine flatwoods, bogs. Dist: Se. VA south to se. NC or e. SC.
ID notes: Compared to var. paniculatum, Desmodium paniculatum var. epetiolatum has much shorter-petioled (subsessile) leaves that are more coriaceus, revolute, and blunt-tipped; its loment segments have rounded lower margins (vs. sharply triangular in var. paniculatum).
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: "This var., occurring on the Coastal Plain of se. VA to se. NC or e. SC, is typically very robust (up to 2 m tall) and intricately branched. Compared to var. paniculatum, it has much shorter-petioled (subsessile) leaves that are more coriaceus, revolute, and blunt-tipped; its loment segments have rounded lower margins (vs. sharply triangular in var. paniculatum). It has been suspected of being a hybrid, but forms large, morphologically consistent populations in the absence of likely parents, e.g. at the Antioch Pines State Natural Area Preserve in Isle of Wight County [Virginia] (Virginia Botanical Associates 2023). This taxon may reflect hybridization between D. paniculatum var. paniculatum and another species. Further study is needed.
Synonymy: = F, K1, SE3, Tx, Va, Isely (1998), Virginia Botanical Associates (2023); < Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC. – C, K3, RAB; < Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC. var. paniculatum – FNA11.1, K4, W, Ohashi (2013)
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 9
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