Intro: Erect or decumbent annual of agricultural fields, roadsides and other disturbed areas. Native of e. Asia.
Stems: Stems usually spreading across the ground, diffusely branched, reddish-purple and hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; on short petioles with papery, lance-oval stipules at the base; divided into 3 oblong-elliptic leaflets 1/2-1 in. long, each with many closely spaced parallel veins and entire to slightly serrated margins and pale green beneath.
Flowers: Flowers 1-3 on short stalks from leaf axils; pink or purple and white; about 1/4 in. long; with typical pea-flower shape, the "banner" petal predominately pink or purple with several dark purple veins near its base.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, flattened, broadly oval pod with a short beak and covered at the base by the persistent calyx; contains a single seed.
Height: to 6 ft. (long)
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description: Erect or decumbent annual of agricultural fields, roadsides and other disturbed areas. Native of e. Asia.
stems: Stems usually spreading across the ground, diffusely branched, reddish-purple and hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate; on short petioles with papery, lance-oval stipules at the base; divided into 3 oblong-elliptic leaflets 1/2-1 in. long, each with many closely spaced parallel veins and entire to slightly serrated margins and pale green beneath.
flowers: Flowers 1-3 on short stalks from leaf axils; pink or purple and white; about 1/4 in. long; with typical pea-flower shape, the "banner" petal predominately pink or purple with several dark purple veins near its base.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, flattened, broadly oval pod with a short beak and covered at the base by the persistent calyx; contains a single seed.
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