Intro: Erect and clumped short-lived perennial of sandhills and sandy roadsides.
Stems: Stems branched from the base, covered with silky hairs.
Leaves: Leaves alternate but clustered at base of stem, petiolate, elliptic, 2 1/2-6 in. long, covered with silky hairs.
Flowers: Flowers in erect, crowded terminal spikes; brilliant blue to purplish; with typical pea-flower shape, the "banner" petal bearing a white patch.
Fruits: Fruit an elongated, flattened pod.
Height: 8-24 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect and clumped short-lived perennial of sandhills and sandy roadsides.
stems: Stems branched from the base, covered with silky hairs.
leaves: Leaves alternate but clustered at base of stem, petiolate, elliptic, 2 1/2-6 in. long, covered with silky hairs.
flowers: Flowers in erect, crowded terminal spikes; brilliant blue to purplish; with typical pea-flower shape, the "banner" petal bearing a white patch.
fruits: Fruit an elongated, flattened pod.
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native range: southeastern United States