Intro: Herbaceous perennial vine found in dry to moist sandy or rocky woodlands, river banks, sandhills, savannas and disturbed areas.
Stems: Green or purple, slightly angled and often twisted, with rough hairs, trailing along ground and over other plants.
Leaves: Leaves alternate and on petioles with small, spreading-triangular stipules at the base; divided into 3 1- to 2 1/2-in.-long, oval to lance-oval leaflets with rounded to tapering tips; slightly hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in stalked, axillary clusters of up to 10 (only 3-4 in bloom at one time), dark pink, about 3/4 in. wide, with typical pea-flower shape, including an erect, flaring banner petal and a dark purplish spur-like projection on the keel petal that twists and curls back up at the tip.
Fruits: Fruit a slender round pod with a few closely pressed hairs.
Height: to 6 ft. (long)
plant sale text:
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description: Herbaceous perennial vine found in dry to moist sandy or rocky woodlands, river banks, sandhills, savannas and disturbed areas.
stems: Green or purple, slightly angled and often twisted, with rough hairs, trailing along ground and over other plants.
leaves: Leaves alternate and on petioles with small, spreading-triangular stipules at the base; divided into 3 1- to 2 1/2-in.-long, oval to lance-oval leaflets with rounded to tapering tips; slightly hairy.
flowers: Flowers in stalked, axillary clusters of up to 10 (only 3-4 in bloom at one time), dark pink, about 3/4 in. wide, with typical pea-flower shape, including an erect, flaring banner petal and a dark purplish spur-like projection on the keel petal that twists and curls back up at the tip.
fruits: Fruit a slender round pod with a few closely pressed hairs.
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native range: eastern United States