Intro: A low, creeping perennial of disturbed areas, lawns, gardens and weedy clearings. Native of Asia.
Stems: Stems often erect at first but becoming prostrate and creeping; covered with silky to stiff hairs.
Leaves: Leaves basal; petiolate; divided into 3 oval leaflets, each about 3/4-2 in. long, coarsely toothed and sparsely hairy beneath.
Flowers: Flowers solitary on stalks from leaf axils; yellow; 1/2-1 in. wide; consisting of 5 blunt-tipped oval petals, 5 pointed hairy sepals and many stamens circling the yellow center.
Fruits: Fruit an aggregate of tiny achenes on a red strawberry-like head; dry and bland to the taste.
Height: 1-4 in.
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bloom table text:
description: A low, creeping perennial of disturbed areas, lawns, gardens and weedy clearings. Native of Asia.
stems: Stems often erect at first but becoming prostrate and creeping; covered with silky to stiff hairs.
leaves: Leaves basal; petiolate; divided into 3 oval leaflets, each about 3/4-2 in. long, coarsely toothed and sparsely hairy beneath.
flowers: Flowers solitary on stalks from leaf axils; yellow; 1/2-1 in. wide; consisting of 5 blunt-tipped oval petals, 5 pointed hairy sepals and many stamens circling the yellow center.
fruits: Fruit an aggregate of tiny achenes on a red strawberry-like head; dry and bland to the taste.
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