Rhus aromatica Aiton var. aromatica . Subgenus: Lobadium. Section: Lobadium. Fragrant Sumac, Squawbush. Phen: Late Feb-early May; late Apr-Jun. Hab: Dry to dry-mesic upland forests and woodlands, glade margins, stream banks, bluffs, and pastures, eastwards primarily in rocky, rather dry, woodlands, usually over mafic rocks (such as gabbro or diabase) or calcareous rocks, less commonly in sandy soils. Dist: The species (if interpreted to include Rhus trilobata at varietal rank) ranges throughout much of temperate North America. Var. aromatica is the most eastern component of the complex, distributed from NH, ON, and MN south to Panhandle FL and TX.
ID notes: The foliage of Rhus aromatica bears some superficial resemblance to Toxicodendron pubescens. Rhus aromatica has sessile terminal leaflets, while Toxicodendron has a prominent petiolule. Additionally, the buds of Toxicodendron tend to be pointed at the tip whereas the conspicuous floral buds of R. aromatica are elongate and rounded at the tip.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Synonymy: = Ar, GrPl, K1, K3, Mo2, NE, NY, Pa, Va, WV; = Rhus aromatica Aiton – Barkley (1937); = Rhus aromatica Aiton ssp. aromatica; = Schmaltzia crenata (Mill.) Greene – S; < Rhus aromatica Aiton – Fl4, Mi, NeUS, Ok, RAB, Tn, W, WH3; < Rhus aromatica Aiton var. aromatica – K4; > Rhus aromatica Aiton var. aromatica – C, F, G, Il; < Schmaltzia aromatica (Aiton) Small – S13; > Schmaltzia aromatica (Aiton) Small – Greene (1905); > Schmaltzia crenata (Mill.) Greene – Greene (1905)
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 7
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