Intro: Erect, shrublike perennial found in brackish to freshwater tidal marshes.
Stems: Stems several arising from a semi-woody crown, covered with branched hairs and sometimes gray as a result.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on long petioles with linear stipules that may drop early, heart-shaped to oval or triangular (upper leaves more lance-shaped), to 5 1/2 in. long, often lobed, coarsely toothed and covered with branched hairs.
Flowers: Flowers in leafy axillary and terminal racemes; pink to lavender (occasionally white); to 3 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading oblong-oval petals and, in the center, an erect tube of yellow stamens fused around a pistil. A whorl of linear, hairy bracts is at the flower base, surrounding the 5-lobed calyx.
Fruits: Fruit a 5-celled, flattened-round capsule.
Height: 1-5 ft.
plant sale text: Bright pink flowers adorn this member of the hibiscus family in late summer. Seashore-mallow blooms profusely and has a shrub-like effect in the garden once established. Its flowers are a good source of nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds. Seashore-mallow commonly grows in brackish marshes in coastal North Carolina. Try growing Seashore-mallow with native asters or great blue lobelia. 1990 N.C. Wildflower of the Year
bloom table text: Bright pink flowers adorn this member of the hibiscus family in late summer. Seashore-mallow blooms profusely and has a shrub-like effect in the garden once established. Its flowers are a good source of nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds. Seashore-mallow commonly grows in brackish marshes in coastal North Carolina. Try growing Seashore-mallow with native asters or great blue lobelia. 1990 N.C. Wildflower of the Year
description: Erect, shrublike perennial found in brackish to freshwater tidal marshes.
stems: Stems several arising from a semi-woody crown, covered with branched hairs and sometimes gray as a result.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on long petioles with linear stipules that may drop early, heart-shaped to oval or triangular (upper leaves more lance-shaped), to 5 1/2 in. long, often lobed, coarsely toothed and covered with branched hairs.
flowers: Flowers in leafy axillary and terminal racemes; pink to lavender (occasionally white); to 3 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading oblong-oval petals and, in the center, an erect tube of yellow stamens fused around a pistil. A whorl of linear, hairy bracts is at the flower base, surrounding the 5-lobed calyx.
fruits: Fruit a 5-celled, flattened-round capsule.
cultural notes:
germination code: 3
native range: southeastern United States