Intro: Erect, aquatic perennial of marshes, swamps, river shores, backwaters, margins of ponds and lakes.
Stems: Flowering stems (scapes) and leaves arising from underground stem and held above water surface.
Leaves: Leaves clustered basally on long, 5-angled petioles; arrowhead-shaped with broad basal lobes; 4-10 in. long; smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in whorls of 3 along an erect, 6-angled scape; male and female flowers separate; white; about 1 in. wide; consisting of 3 spreading, rounded petals. Male flowers with bushy yellow stamens and female flowers with mounded, green compound ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a brown, compact cluster of beaked achenes.
Height: 8-30 in.
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description: Erect, aquatic perennial of marshes, swamps, river shores, backwaters, margins of ponds and lakes.
stems: Flowering stems (scapes) and leaves arising from underground stem and held above water surface.
leaves: Leaves clustered basally on long, 5-angled petioles; arrowhead-shaped with broad basal lobes; 4-10 in. long; smooth.
flowers: Flowers in whorls of 3 along an erect, 6-angled scape; male and female flowers separate; white; about 1 in. wide; consisting of 3 spreading, rounded petals. Male flowers with bushy yellow stamens and female flowers with mounded, green compound ovary.
fruits: Fruit a brown, compact cluster of beaked achenes.
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