Intro: Erect, somewhat colonial perennial of nutrient-rich, moist forests, especially alluvial bottomlands, and in nutrient-rich seepages (in NC, in the drainages of the Neuse, Meherrin, and [rarely] Cape Fear Rivers).
Stems: Stems unbranched, purple-tinged toward the base and hairy.
Leaves: Basal leaves petiolate, round (or nearly so), to about 1 in. long, purple beneath; stem leaves (2-5) alternate, sessile or clasping, oval, to 2 in. long (reduced upward) and bluntly toothed or scalloped.
Flowers: Flowers on long stalks in a short terminal raceme, blooming from the bottom upward; pink to lavender (rarely white), 1/2-1 in. wide, consisting of 4 oblong-oval petals, 4 shorter and hairy purple sepals, several stamens and a single stout style.
Fruits: Fruit a thin, cylindrical pod.
Height: 3-15 in.
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description: Erect, somewhat colonial perennial of nutrient-rich, moist forests, especially alluvial bottomlands, and in nutrient-rich seepages (in NC, in the drainages of the Neuse, Meherrin, and [rarely] Cape Fear Rivers).
stems: Stems unbranched, purple-tinged toward the base and hairy.
leaves: Basal leaves petiolate, round (or nearly so), to about 1 in. long, purple beneath; stem leaves (2-5) alternate, sessile or clasping, oval, to 2 in. long (reduced upward) and bluntly toothed or scalloped.
flowers: Flowers on long stalks in a short terminal raceme, blooming from the bottom upward; pink to lavender (rarely white), 1/2-1 in. wide, consisting of 4 oblong-oval petals, 4 shorter and hairy purple sepals, several stamens and a single stout style.
fruits: Fruit a thin, cylindrical pod.
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native range: eastern North America