Intro: Upright to leaning annual/biennial.
Stems: Stems 1 to several from basal rosette, stout, branching, longitudinally ridged, mostly smooth (may be hairy below).
Leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, petiolate (upper leaves winged to sessile), lance-shaped in outline but toothed to irregularly divided into large terminal lobe and smaller lateral lobes, 2-8 in. long, reduced upward, tinged with red, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in racemes at tops of stems and from upper leaf axils, yellow, 1/8-1/4 in. wide, smooth, consisting of 4 petals, 4 sepals, 6 stamens, and an ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a flattened, oval-linear seedpod.
Height: 1-4 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Upright to leaning annual/biennial.
stems: Stems 1 to several from basal rosette, stout, branching, longitudinally ridged, mostly smooth (may be hairy below).
leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, petiolate (upper leaves winged to sessile), lance-shaped in outline but toothed to irregularly divided into large terminal lobe and smaller lateral lobes, 2-8 in. long, reduced upward, tinged with red, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in racemes at tops of stems and from upper leaf axils, yellow, 1/8-1/4 in. wide, smooth, consisting of 4 petals, 4 sepals, 6 stamens, and an ovary.
fruits: Fruit a flattened, oval-linear seedpod.
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