Intro: Erect or ascending perennial of dry to mesic forests and rock outcrops.
Stems: Stems stiff, branched from the base, smooth to densely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite on upper- and lower-most stem, mid-stem leaves in whorls of mostly 4; sessile to short petiolate; lance-shaped or oval; tapering to a sharp point; to 4 in. long; finely hairy beneath and smooth to rough above.
Flowers: Flowers in open panicles; white; 3/4-1 in.wide; consisting of 5 spreading petals that are deeply and unevenly divided into 8-12 segments, giving the flower a fringed appearance, and a slightly inflated, smooth to hairy, bell-shaped calyx tube with 5 triangular lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a rounded capsule.
Comments: The scentless flowers are often closed during the bright light of midday.
Height: 1-4 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect or ascending perennial of dry to mesic forests and rock outcrops.
stems: Stems stiff, branched from the base, smooth to densely hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite on upper- and lower-most stem, mid-stem leaves in whorls of mostly 4; sessile to short petiolate; lance-shaped or oval; tapering to a sharp point; to 4 in. long; finely hairy beneath and smooth to rough above.
flowers: Flowers in open panicles; white; 3/4-1 in.wide; consisting of 5 spreading petals that are deeply and unevenly divided into 8-12 segments, giving the flower a fringed appearance, and a slightly inflated, smooth to hairy, bell-shaped calyx tube with 5 triangular lobes.
fruits: Fruit a rounded capsule.
comments: The scentless flowers are often closed during the bright light of midday.
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native range: eastern & central United States