Intro: Prostrate to ascending, mat-forming annual of sea beaches, fore-dunes, island end flats and, rarely, sound-side beaches.
Stems: Stems fleshy, branching from the base, reddish, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate but clustered toward ends of branches, petiolate, round to oval with decurrent base and shallow notch at the tip, 1/2-3/4 in. long, fleshy, margins slightly wavy, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in conspicuous clusters in leaf axils, reddish-green, minute, with yellow stamens in male flowers protruding at peak flowering.
Fruits: Fruit a shiny black seed surrounded by a dark, wrinkled membrane.
Comments: Larger plants may contain over 100 stems branching from the center, attaining a diameter of more than 3 ft.
Height: 4-10 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Prostrate to ascending, mat-forming annual of sea beaches, fore-dunes, island end flats and, rarely, sound-side beaches.
stems: Stems fleshy, branching from the base, reddish, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate but clustered toward ends of branches, petiolate, round to oval with decurrent base and shallow notch at the tip, 1/2-3/4 in. long, fleshy, margins slightly wavy, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in conspicuous clusters in leaf axils, reddish-green, minute, with yellow stamens in male flowers protruding at peak flowering.
fruits: Fruit a shiny black seed surrounded by a dark, wrinkled membrane.
comments: Larger plants may contain over 100 stems branching from the center, attaining a diameter of more than 3 ft.
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