Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of dry upland woodlands and forests, barrens, outcrops, clearings and road banks.
Stems: Stems unbranched, hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, each divided into 3 oval to lance-shaped leaflets (to 4 in. long) and thus appearing to be 6 whorled leaves; hairy.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a loose terminal cluster, 1 1/2-3 in. wide, consisting of 8 bright yellow ray florets encircling a dense center disk of many tiny, yellow tubular florets that age to maroon-red. 2 series of bracts surround the base of the head, the outer green and narrow, and the inner yellowish-green, wider, and downcurved at the tips.
Height: 2-3 ft.
plant sale text: This yellow-flowered coreopsis is one of the roadside wildflowers that make summer driving a little brighter. It can be found in lean soils at woods' edge blooming its little yellow heart out. Greater tickseed is tolerant of drought and humidity, but prefers well drained soils. This is a good wildlife plant, its nectar will attract pollinators and its seed will attract birds. One feature that distinguishes this plant from many other garden-worthy coreopsis is that its opposite compound leaves give a graceful whorled impression.
bloom table text: This yellow-flowered coreopsis is one of the roadside wildflowers that make summer driving a little brighter. It can be found in lean soils at woods' edge blooming its little yellow heart out. Greater tickseed is tolerant of drought and humidity, but prefers well drained soils. This is a good wildlife plant, its nectar will attract pollinators and its seed will attract birds. One feature that distinguishes this plant from many other garden-worthy coreopsis is that its opposite compound leaves give a graceful whorled impression.
description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of dry upland woodlands and forests, barrens, outcrops, clearings and road banks.
stems: Stems unbranched, hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, each divided into 3 oval to lance-shaped leaflets (to 4 in. long) and thus appearing to be 6 whorled leaves; hairy.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a loose terminal cluster, 1 1/2-3 in. wide, consisting of 8 bright yellow ray florets encircling a dense center disk of many tiny, yellow tubular florets that age to maroon-red. 2 series of bracts surround the base of the head, the outer green and narrow, and the inner yellowish-green, wider, and downcurved at the tips.
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native range: eastern United States