Intro: Sprawling, rhizomatous perennial of moist roadsides, fields and other disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems usually sprawling, weakly branched, smooth or hairy only at lower end.
Leaves: Leaves in whorls of 7-8, sessile, linear to oblong-lance-shaped (widest above middle) with sharp tip, 1/2-1 1/2 in. long, smooth but with slightly rough margins.
Flowers: Flowers in large, branching, terminal cluster; white; less than 1/4 in. wide; consisting of a tubular corolla with 4 spreading, elliptic, pointy-tipped lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a smooth, dark brown, kidney-shaped seed with dry covering.
Height: 1-2 1/2 ft. (long)
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description: Sprawling, rhizomatous perennial of moist roadsides, fields and other disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems usually sprawling, weakly branched, smooth or hairy only at lower end.
leaves: Leaves in whorls of 7-8, sessile, linear to oblong-lance-shaped (widest above middle) with sharp tip, 1/2-1 1/2 in. long, smooth but with slightly rough margins.
flowers: Flowers in large, branching, terminal cluster; white; less than 1/4 in. wide; consisting of a tubular corolla with 4 spreading, elliptic, pointy-tipped lobes.
fruits: Fruit a smooth, dark brown, kidney-shaped seed with dry covering.
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