Intro: Upright to lax annual/biennial of bottomland forests and alluvial fields, probably associated with nutrient-rich soils.
Stems: Stems slightly angled in leafy portion, loosely branched, rough-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, oblong to linear-oblong (basal ones spoon-shaped), to 2 1/4 in. long, furry.
Flowers: Flowers arranged in a coiled raceme that straightens as flowers open and fruit ripen, white, tiny, funnel-shaped with 5 spreading-ascending corolla lobes and a furry calyx tube with 5 lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a brown, furry capsule containing 4 nutlets.
Height: 6-18 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Upright to lax annual/biennial of bottomland forests and alluvial fields, probably associated with nutrient-rich soils.
stems: Stems slightly angled in leafy portion, loosely branched, rough-hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, oblong to linear-oblong (basal ones spoon-shaped), to 2 1/4 in. long, furry.
flowers: Flowers arranged in a coiled raceme that straightens as flowers open and fruit ripen, white, tiny, funnel-shaped with 5 spreading-ascending corolla lobes and a furry calyx tube with 5 lobes.
fruits: Fruit a brown, furry capsule containing 4 nutlets.
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