Intro: Upright perennial of stream banks in floodplain forests and swamp forests.
Stems: Stems simple or sparingly branched, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, lance-shaped tapering to a sharp tip, 3 1/2-5 1/2 in. long, and toothed.
Flowers: Flowers in dense terminal spikes, vaguely 4-ranked and with leafy bracts that mostly conceal individual flower stalks; purple or red-purple, 1-1 3/8 in. long, tubular, somewhat flattened, with hood-like upper lip and a lower lip bearing a white or yellowish beard, 4 fertile stamens and a single white sterile stamen.
Fruits: Fruit an oval capsule, to 1/2 in. long
Height: 2-3 ft..
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description: Upright perennial of stream banks in floodplain forests and swamp forests.
stems: Stems simple or sparingly branched, smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, lance-shaped tapering to a sharp tip, 3 1/2-5 1/2 in. long, and toothed.
flowers: Flowers in dense terminal spikes, vaguely 4-ranked and with leafy bracts that mostly conceal individual flower stalks; purple or red-purple, 1-1 3/8 in. long, tubular, somewhat flattened, with hood-like upper lip and a lower lip bearing a white or yellowish beard, 4 fertile stamens and a single white sterile stamen.
fruits: Fruit an oval capsule, to 1/2 in. long
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