Intro: Erect annual of bottomlands, ditches, pool margins, upland depression ponds and other wet areas.
Stems: Stems short-branched above, sometimes branched below, sometimes succulent, sticky-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, oblong to oblong-lance-shaped or oblong-oval, 1/2-2 in. long, toothed or entire, hairy when emerging but later smooth.
Flowers: Flowers solitary on long stalks from leaf axils, with a pair of small leafy bracts at the flower base; cream to white but yellow or green within; about â…“ in long; bilaterally symmetric; with the tubular corolla opening to several spreading, short, rounded lobes. The calyx is tubular but shorter, with 5 lobes.
Fruits: Fruit an oval capsule with pointed tip.
Height: 4-15 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect annual of bottomlands, ditches, pool margins, upland depression ponds and other wet areas.
stems: Stems short-branched above, sometimes branched below, sometimes succulent, sticky-hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, oblong to oblong-lance-shaped or oblong-oval, 1/2-2 in. long, toothed or entire, hairy when emerging but later smooth.
flowers: Flowers solitary on long stalks from leaf axils, with a pair of small leafy bracts at the flower base; cream to white but yellow or green within; about â…“ in long; bilaterally symmetric; with the tubular corolla opening to several spreading, short, rounded lobes. The calyx is tubular but shorter, with 5 lobes.
fruits: Fruit an oval capsule with pointed tip.
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