Intro: Erect to sprawling perennial of bogs, marshes, ditches, margins of Coastal Plain ponds and other wet areas.
Stems: Stems somewhat succulent, unbranched, hairy or glandular-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile and somewhat clasping, oval to oblong-lance-shaped, with variously toothed margins, hairy (sometimes glandular).
Flowers: Flowers solitary on short, glandular stalks from leaf axils; white to cream or pink-tinged and marked on the inside with purple lines and a yellow center; about ½ in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with a tubular corolla opening to 4 unequal, spreading, wavy-margined lobes (lowest one largest) and a calyx consisting of 5 elliptic to lance-shaped sepals. There are 2 bractlets below the calyx.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, round capsule.
Height: 4-20 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to sprawling perennial of bogs, marshes, ditches, margins of Coastal Plain ponds and other wet areas.
stems: Stems somewhat succulent, unbranched, hairy or glandular-hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile and somewhat clasping, oval to oblong-lance-shaped, with variously toothed margins, hairy (sometimes glandular).
flowers: Flowers solitary on short, glandular stalks from leaf axils; white to cream or pink-tinged and marked on the inside with purple lines and a yellow center; about ½ in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with a tubular corolla opening to 4 unequal, spreading, wavy-margined lobes (lowest one largest) and a calyx consisting of 5 elliptic to lance-shaped sepals. There are 2 bractlets below the calyx.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, round capsule.
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