Intro: Semi-erect to creeping perennial of bogs, marshes, streamsides, wet meadows and seeps.
Stems: Stems usually branched, rooting at lower nodes, fleshy and smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, lance-shaped to lance-oval, 3/4-3 in. long, with toothed margins.
Flowers: Flowers in terminal and axillary racemes, blue-violet or white striped with purple, 1/4-1/3 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric, consisting of 4 tiny petals, 3 of which are about equal and the fourth slightly smaller; 2 stamens and 1 style protrude from the green center.
Height: 4-36 in.
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description: Semi-erect to creeping perennial of bogs, marshes, streamsides, wet meadows and seeps.
stems: Stems usually branched, rooting at lower nodes, fleshy and smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, lance-shaped to lance-oval, 3/4-3 in. long, with toothed margins.
flowers: Flowers in terminal and axillary racemes, blue-violet or white striped with purple, 1/4-1/3 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric, consisting of 4 tiny petals, 3 of which are about equal and the fourth slightly smaller; 2 stamens and 1 style protrude from the green center.
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