Intro: Erect perennial from a clump of grass-like leaves, found on dry ridges and slopes, primarily strongly acidic sites that burn periodically, such as pine/heath woodlands and forests, heath balds and xeric oak forests.
Leaves: Basal leaves linear, to 30 in. long and arching from crown; stem leaves alternate, similar but progressively smaller upward.
Flowers: Flowers in a compact, cylindrical terminal raceme that elongates with age, blooming from the bottom up, white, ½ in. or less wide, consisting of 6 widely spreading, lance-shaped tepals and 6 stamens encircling an ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a 3-lobed capsule.
Height: 1-4 1/2 ft.
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description: Erect perennial from a clump of grass-like leaves, found on dry ridges and slopes, primarily strongly acidic sites that burn periodically, such as pine/heath woodlands and forests, heath balds and xeric oak forests.
leaves: Basal leaves linear, to 30 in. long and arching from crown; stem leaves alternate, similar but progressively smaller upward.
flowers: Flowers in a compact, cylindrical terminal raceme that elongates with age, blooming from the bottom up, white, ½ in. or less wide, consisting of 6 widely spreading, lance-shaped tepals and 6 stamens encircling an ovary.
fruits: Fruit a 3-lobed capsule.
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