Intro: Erect, naturalized perennial of fencerows, barnyards and other disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems stout, 4-angled, branched, gray-green and densely furry. Native of Eurasia.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval to triangular with blunt or notched base, to 3 in. long, coarsely toothed, pale gray-green, white-hairy beneath; leaves release a strong scent when bruised.
Flowers: Flowers in spikelike, dense terminal and axillary heads; each flower white with purple or pink spots, ¼ in. long, tubular and split into 2 lips.
Height: 2-3 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, naturalized perennial of fencerows, barnyards and other disturbed areas.
stems: Stems stout, 4-angled, branched, gray-green and densely furry. Native of Eurasia.
leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval to triangular with blunt or notched base, to 3 in. long, coarsely toothed, pale gray-green, white-hairy beneath; leaves release a strong scent when bruised.
flowers: Flowers in spikelike, dense terminal and axillary heads; each flower white with purple or pink spots, ¼ in. long, tubular and split into 2 lips.
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native range: Europe & Asia