Intro: Erect perennial from a thick rhizome found in woodlands and glades, usually over mafic or calcareous rocks.
Stems: Stems square, slippery-hairy and sometimes woody at the base.
Leaves: Leaves numerous, opposite, oval to diamond-shaped, the wedge-shaped base tapering to wings, coarsely toothed toward the tip but entire toward the base.
Flowers: Flowers in whorls along a spike-like raceme to 8 in. long; violet to blue; bilaterally symmetric; tubular and with 2-lips, the lower lip showy and cleft into 2 lobes and with prominent white markings. The tubular calyx is also 2-lipped and with prominent nerves.
Height: 6-30 in.
plant sale text: Nettleleaf sage is a wonderful native sage that is not usually offered for sale. Nettleleaf Sage is often found growing at dry woods edge, open woods and over outcroppings. It prefers a more basic soil, though is happy in average garden soil, and part-sun to dappled shade. It does not like moist, rich soil. With spikes of purple flowers with white-throats, and its small size, it would be perfect along the edge of a part-shade garden.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial from a thick rhizome found in woodlands and glades, usually over mafic or calcareous rocks.
stems: Stems square, slippery-hairy and sometimes woody at the base.
leaves: Leaves numerous, opposite, oval to diamond-shaped, the wedge-shaped base tapering to wings, coarsely toothed toward the tip but entire toward the base.
flowers: Flowers in whorls along a spike-like raceme to 8 in. long; violet to blue; bilaterally symmetric; tubular and with 2-lips, the lower lip showy and cleft into 2 lobes and with prominent white markings. The tubular calyx is also 2-lipped and with prominent nerves.
cultural notes:
germination code: 2
native range: southeastern United States