Intro: Fleshy, erect perennial lacking chlorophyll, found in rich, moist forests under oak trees.
Stems: Stems leafless, thick and fleshy (up to 1 in. thick), yellowish- to pale-brown, covered with brown scales and often growing in clumps.
Flowers: Flowers densely packed into a spike that occupies half or more of the plant, pale-yellow, to ½ in. long, tubular with 2 lips.
Fruits: Fruit an oval to round capsule.
Comments: The whole plant, which is parasitic on the roots of oaks (Quercus spp.), resembles an ear of corn and later, as it turns dry and brown with age, a pine cone.
Height: 4-10 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Fleshy, erect perennial lacking chlorophyll, found in rich, moist forests under oak trees.
stems: Stems leafless, thick and fleshy (up to 1 in. thick), yellowish- to pale-brown, covered with brown scales and often growing in clumps.
flowers: Flowers densely packed into a spike that occupies half or more of the plant, pale-yellow, to ½ in. long, tubular with 2 lips.
fruits: Fruit an oval to round capsule.
comments: The whole plant, which is parasitic on the roots of oaks (Quercus spp.), resembles an ear of corn and later, as it turns dry and brown with age, a pine cone.
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