Intro: Rambling-spreading perennial found in disturbed areas such as sandy lawns and roadsides. Native of S. America.
Stems: Stems sprawling, branched and rooting at the nodes, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, oval to wedge-shaped (widest above middle), to 2 1/2 in. long, generally with 5 (3-7) teeth per side, semi-evergreen, red-tinged in cool weather, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in dense, cylindric heads, about â…“ in. long, on stalks from upper leaf axils; rose-purple to white with a yellow or pinkish-red eye; tiny; bilaterally symmetric; with a tubular corolla opening to 2 spreading lips, the upper one notched and the lower one larger and 3-lobed.
Height: to 4 in. (tall)
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description: Rambling-spreading perennial found in disturbed areas such as sandy lawns and roadsides. Native of S. America.
stems: Stems sprawling, branched and rooting at the nodes, smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, oval to wedge-shaped (widest above middle), to 2 1/2 in. long, generally with 5 (3-7) teeth per side, semi-evergreen, red-tinged in cool weather, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in dense, cylindric heads, about â…“ in. long, on stalks from upper leaf axils; rose-purple to white with a yellow or pinkish-red eye; tiny; bilaterally symmetric; with a tubular corolla opening to 2 spreading lips, the upper one notched and the lower one larger and 3-lobed.
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