Intro: Erect, colony-forming perennial that spreads by leafy runners, found on shale barrens and other dry, rocky habitats.
Stems: Stem an unbranched flowering stalk arising from a basal rosette and covered in white hairs; sometimes red-tinged.
Leaves: Basal leaves spatulate to oblong-lance-shaped, 1/3-1 in. long, mostly 1-veined, greenish-gray and moderately hairy; stem leaves linear.
Flowers: Male and female flowers on separate plants, in compact terminal clusters of 3-9 heads; heads white, 1/4-1/2 in. wide, each consisting of a dense clump of tiny florets surrounded at the base by whorls of greenish-white to straw-colored bracts; male (staminate) florets have brownish, tubular anthers, while the female (pistillate florets) are fluffy white with multiple styles.
Height: 4-8 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect, colony-forming perennial that spreads by leafy runners, found on shale barrens and other dry, rocky habitats.
stems: Stem an unbranched flowering stalk arising from a basal rosette and covered in white hairs; sometimes red-tinged.
leaves: Basal leaves spatulate to oblong-lance-shaped, 1/3-1 in. long, mostly 1-veined, greenish-gray and moderately hairy; stem leaves linear.
flowers: Male and female flowers on separate plants, in compact terminal clusters of 3-9 heads; heads white, 1/4-1/2 in. wide, each consisting of a dense clump of tiny florets surrounded at the base by whorls of greenish-white to straw-colored bracts; male (staminate) florets have brownish, tubular anthers, while the female (pistillate florets) are fluffy white with multiple styles.
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