Intro: Erect perennial/biennial from basal rosette, found in wet savannas, roadside ditches, seepages and interdunal swales.
Stems: Stem a flowering stalk emerging from a basal rosette, unbranched, hairy above near inflorescence.
Leaves: Basal leaves oval to nearly round (sometimes spoon-shaped or elliptic), 3/4-5 3/4 in. long, fleshy, mostly entire and hairless; stem leaves 1-4 and bract-like.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) solitary, or in a loose branching cluster of 2-20 heads at top of flowering stalk; white (rarely lavender); consisting of 25-30 narrow, white ray florets encircling a yellow center disk composed of tiny, tubular florets.
Height: 18-24 in.
plant sale text: Erigeron vernus is a lovely, shorter fleabane that is usually found in moist locations. It can grow in full sun but also handle shadier locations and some average, though not dry, soil. In your garden, it should be planted somewhere that will be watered. It will spread over time, in the right location, to provide a small colony of early whitetop fleabane. It is evergreen, keeping low-growing rosettes overwinter. Its spring blooms are airy and provide fairly early flowers for the spring garden.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial/biennial from basal rosette, found in wet savannas, roadside ditches, seepages and interdunal swales.
stems: Stem a flowering stalk emerging from a basal rosette, unbranched, hairy above near inflorescence.
leaves: Basal leaves oval to nearly round (sometimes spoon-shaped or elliptic), 3/4-5 3/4 in. long, fleshy, mostly entire and hairless; stem leaves 1-4 and bract-like.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) solitary, or in a loose branching cluster of 2-20 heads at top of flowering stalk; white (rarely lavender); consisting of 25-30 narrow, white ray florets encircling a yellow center disk composed of tiny, tubular florets.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: southeastern United States