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Eupatorium album Linnaeus. White-bracted Thoroughwort. Phen: Late Jun-Oct. Hab: Dry woodlands. Dist: CT, NY, OH, and TN, south to FL and LA; disjunct in s. AR and n. LA (though many populations previously considered to be. E. album west of the Mississippi River are E. sullivaniae).

Origin/Endemic status: Endemic

Taxonomy Comments: E. album is a diploid/autopolyploid species and the most widespread member of the Eupatorium album complex, a group of species which have undergone extensive allopolyploid speciation. Many members of the complex have been treated as infrataxa under E. album, but are better separated as distinct species (Schilling 2011). Var. glandulosum is alleged to differ from var. album in having the involucre with copious dark glands (vs. glandless or nearly so). The distinction is dubious; variation seems essentially continuous in our area, with frequent intermediates, and there seems to be little correlation between morphology and habitat/range.

Synonymy : = Fl7, K3, K4, Tn, Schilling (2011b); < Eupatorium album L. – Oh3, Pa, RAB, S, WH3; < Eupatorium album L. var. album – Ar, C, FNA21, K1, NE, SE1, Va, W, Cronquist (1985); > Eupatorium album L. var. album – F, G, Tat, WV; > Eupatorium album L. var. glandulosum (Michx.) DC. – F, G, WV

Links to other floras: < Eupatorium album var. album - FNA21

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image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Keith Bradley | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© theo_witsell, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by theo_witsell source CC-BY-NC, permission granted to NCBG | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan Weakley | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© theo_witsell, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by theo_witsell source CC-BY-NC, permission granted to NCBG | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan Weakley, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Alan Weakley source CC-BY-NC, permission granted to NCBG | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Scott Ward source CC-BY | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Scott Ward source CC-BY | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Scott Ward source CC-BY | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Erect perennial of dry woodlands and disturbed areas.

Stems: Stems branched above (in inflorescence), hairy.

Leaves: Leaves opposite, mostly sessile, oval to lance-shaped, 1 1/2-5 in. long, coarsely toothed, gland-dotted beneath and nearly smooth to rough-hairy above.


Flowers: Narrow, erect, fuzzy-appearing composite flowers (heads) in branching, terminal cluster; heads about 1/3 in. tall, each consisting of 4-5 tiny, white, 5-lobed, tubular disk florets with 2 protruding styles. A series of narrow green bracts with white, pointed tips surround the base of each head.



Height: to 3 ft.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Erect perennial of dry woodlands and disturbed areas.

stems: Stems branched above (in inflorescence), hairy.

leaves: Leaves opposite, mostly sessile, oval to lance-shaped, 1 1/2-5 in. long, coarsely toothed, gland-dotted beneath and nearly smooth to rough-hairy above.


flowers: Narrow, erect, fuzzy-appearing composite flowers (heads) in branching, terminal cluster; heads about 1/3 in. tall, each consisting of 4-5 tiny, white, 5-lobed, tubular disk florets with 2 protruding styles. A series of narrow green bracts with white, pointed tips surround the base of each head.



cultural notes:

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